Monday, July 12, 2010

Oil Paintings Market and Oil Paintings Main Element

In recent years, the oil painting has gradually entered into homes of ordinary people. When people decorate walls, they often choose some watercolor painting, Indian painting and oil painting. In particular, oil painting is more acceptable.
In India, the painting market can be divided into three categories: Indian painting, Western painting and folk painting.
Indian painting emphasizes on charm, ink, while Western painting does not.
Western painting includes oil painting, woodblock, copperplate, sketch, watercolor, opaque watercolor painting and etc. Among these, oil painting is the most strongly in showing, practicability and decoration.
It was only 300 years since western oil painting had been introduced into India, and when they entered people life just in early last century. After reform and opening-up, a variety of styles and schools of painting have their own position.
On the theme oil paintings can be divided into the theme painting, custom painting, landscape painting, portraits and still life, and so on. But whatever the theme are, works mainly rely on two major elements: design and color. In other words, what oil painting uses are shape, light and color these three performing methods.
Shape also means physique. This requires artist must have the ability to shape, and have strong sketch ability. Without good sketch ability and want to do well in oil painting, just like a high-rise without foundation, cannot stand up.
Light, the show of luminous effect. The rise of France Impressionism led people to make research and performance on light. Painters understanding of light trend to be scientific and rational. Thus their ability in performing light had become realistic-looking. Light and shade of light are the important elements in foiling atmosphere. This reason was similar to the effect of stage light in theater.
The most important element of oil painting is colors. The colors are different from the colors on palette. Painters never just move the colors on the color palette onto canvas without changing. These colors must be artistic modulated carefully by painters in order to achieve color’s softness, visibility, and harmonious unity between color and the color. This is just people often said the tone or hue. A painting’s color can not be making up with different colors at random, either cannot be numerous and complicated and dazzling, but should be formed to reflect a tendency of color, and changeable picture effect.
Hue is the soul of the painting. Without hue, in other words, if a painting does not create a basis tone, without harmony unified color combination, then, we can say that the painting did not meet the passing line.
In addition to the above requirements, when appreciating oil paintings we should also pay attention to composition, brushwork, rhythm and so on.

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