Monday, July 12, 2010

Abstract Art

Abstract Art is a name which corresponded with representational, can also be called as non- representational. Its characteristics are lacking of description, and using emotional way to show concept and paint,which basically belonged to Expressionism, and first found in Kandinsky’s work. It was formed under the influence of a variety of anti-art, particularly improved by Fauvism and Cubism.
In Picasso’s opinion, “Abstract” art wasn’t an existing art. He thought that just someone emphasized on the style and life. While in Michelle Sevres’s opinion, abstract art was: “I call all without remind, memory that without relating to the reality – regardless whether this reality is the artist’s point of departure or not – the arts are called abstract Art.”
In fact, Fauvism and Cubism promoted the development of shape and color separately. That was Kandinsky who discovered its wonder further. In 1910 he painted the first absolute abstract watercolor, which was a non-representational, with desire, full with active overlapping color points. Kandinsky’s intentional creativity came from music and got inspiration for aesthetics, and then the Czech Kupka directly got inspiration from music for abstract art creation. People called him the originator of musician painter, later they constituted the abstract art together.

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